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The Ultimate Face-off Between Seafood and Meat: Which is Healthier?

The Ultimate Face-off Between Seafood and Meat: Which is Healthier?

Many people often have the impression that seafood is a healthier option,but it is rarer when compared to beef,chicken,or pork. And because of this belief,more people wanting to live a healthier lifestyle and switching their diets from red meat to seafood. As such,there are people in an active search for quality seafood by getting frozen seafood delivery in Hong Kong or visiting markets that are abundant with seafood.


However,is seafood really the healthier option compared to meat?


People may understandably get confused with seafood and meat. The confusion is often stemmed with the fact that fish is technically meat,as well. What are some health benefits from eating seafood? When it comes nutritional value,is seafood really healthier?


Take a look at this guide on the health benefits and the differences between meat and seafood.


Is Seafood Meat?


Right off the bat,the debate needs to be settled. You’d hear some fitness influencers switch their diet to start eating fish instead of meat,but is it really technically the correct term to use?


Both fish and cows are flesh of living animals that are eaten and used for food,so to answer it simply, yes seafood is meat. However,it may change depending on who you ask (like people who are pescetarian),but in a scientific sense,it is definitely meat.


Nutritional Battle: Seafood vs. Meat


Both meat (land animals) and seafood both have health benefits and are great sources of nutrition. Both their health benefits are necessary for maintaining a healthy diet. It should be noted though that there are certain differences when it comes to the amount of nutrients you can get.


Here is a comparison of their nutritional value:


When it comes to protein,both land animals’ meat and seafood are rich in protein. For instance,seafood like salmon has almost similar grams of protein (almost 24 grams) compared to the protein in chicken breast (26 grams).


When it comes to calories,it will definitely depend on the type of meat and seafood. For instance,even if beef and chicken are both meat,chicken is leaner compared to beef with only more than 180 calories compared to beef’s 284. The same could be said for seafood where shrimp,one of the seafood with a lower calorie count of 135 calories,contains less calories than salmon.


When it comes to fat,seafood takes the cake on this area. Fish are one of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids. All these fats are healthier than the saturated fats that red meat contains. They both contain fat,but seafood (fish specifically) has a healthier type of fat that help lower health risks.


Seafood is also rich in iodine and vitamin D,while red meat is a great source of zinc,vitamin B12,iron,niacin. Meat is also good in increasing strength and building muscle mass,as well as may help with anemia. Fish is good for the brain because of its omega-3 fatty acids that may be helpful in brain development and growth.


A healthy diet is a perfect balance of different nutrition that are both found in meat from land animals,as well as seafood. This means that both seafood and meat are healthy in their own ways and for as long people would know how to consume them in perfect balance!


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